Monday, October 12, 2020

Flu Shots for All UK Students

Last week, Eli Capiluto announced that flu shots would be mandatory for all UK students. In response to the pandemic, the university vowed to promote student safety and well-being. Requiring all students to receive flu shots may not directly help with the coronavirus, but is in accordance of promoting the well being of students.

Getting vaccines and yearly flu shots is something I have become passionate about within the last year. As an aspiring physician, I see the importance of not only protecting yourself, but also protecting those who cannot be vaccinated. Herd immunity is important to protect those who have weakened immune systems or have severely adverse responses to vaccines and cannot be vaccinated. I strongly believe that the university should implement this policy from now on, continuously holding students accountable to getting their flu shots.

Getting my flu shot is not necessarily something I am looking forward to. Last year when I got my flu shot, I was absolutely exhausted the next day. I had a fever, couldn't get out of bed, and slept the majority of the day. However, I understand the importance of protecting my community. To me, one day of my own exhaustion is worth it to prevent an immunocompromised person from suffering from the flu and other complications. I wish that more of my peers would develop this mindset and see the world beyond themselves. Several of my friends are frustrated with the announcement of mandatory flu shots. They are upset that they do not have a choice (which makes me laugh considering their political views), but I just wish they could understand the benefit that it would have to the community.

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